Coming 2012 Running Events: Running Clinics, Group Runs and More! Stay tuned!
Individual Running Consultations are available
Learn more and Contact Amy to get started today!
Runs will take place primarily on Saturdays for ~1 hour, but will also depend upon the type of run scheduled. For example, aerobic base runs may take 1-2 hours while interval work will take no longer than 1 hour.
Times and locations TBA throughout the program
You do not need to be an experienced runner to participate, just eager and willing to learn!
Use of a heart rate monitor is a requirement since runs will be based on your heart rate.
Individual attention will be given to each participant throughout the program to emphasize proper running technique and form.
The goal of participating in the AVC Elite Training Running Program is to become a healthier runner which translates to a faster, more efficient runner who will remain pain free and injurie free for hopefully a lifetime. This program teaches how we were "born to run", get rid of bad habits collected over time by getting back to the basics.
Amy is a certified Newton Natural Running™ Coach. She trained and was certified under the instruction of Danny Abshire, owner and creator o f Newton Running Shoes and author of "Natural Running".